Customer Loyalty
¿What are the main factors that make our customers loyal?
¿How can we leverage them?
Having satisfied customers has a positive impact on many aspects of the companies. Doing a good analysis of what are the factors of satisfaction and which elements cause more dissatisfaction / frustration in our customers, will help us to define policies aimed at retaining these clients and building loyalty.
In Big Thing Analytics we are experts in defining the implementation strategy of the different KPIs that will help us monitor the engagement of our clients and understand the most important drivers. We implement analysis to understand the factors of repeat purchase of customers and behavioral differences between new users and those who repeat. This enables to extract patterns of behavior in the acquisition of the client, so we can answer fundamental questions: How much did it cost to acquire a client for the first time? Did the customer who purchased for the second time came by cheaper acquisition channels? How can we promote these cheaper acquisition channels to lower acquisition costs?