Predictive Analysis
¿Can we predict which are our customers most likely to buy our products next month?
¿Can we predict what these products will be?
The predictive analysis of the behavior of our clients is key to anticipate their actions and to establish deeper and more lasting relationships (increasing loyalty) and a more successful offer of services and products.
In Big Thing Analytics we create predictive models using Machine Learning tools and Artificial Intelligence to understand the future behavior of our clients. We implement prediction models to understand purchase propensity (what will be the most demanded products tomorrow or in the next month and by which customers?). Thanks to this we are able to define specific actions (for example, implement an email marketing strategy).
These models also allow us to perform churn analysis: Which clients of our customers base are we about to lose? What is the value proposition that we can offer so that our product continues to be valuable and therefore our customers want to continue with us?